When we told everyone that we were going to buy a boat and sail around the world, everyone looked at us like we were CRAZY. I kept reassuring people that we weren't going to be just bobbing around to the middle of the ocean, that it was all about the destination. Now, that we are here I not so sure, it might be about bobbing around, because that is definitely one of my favorite parts. I love watching the endless sea and letting all the worries of life just disappear into the distance. So, if life is getting you all worked up, try sailing for awhile, it might help.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones that you did do. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -Mark Twain-
Monday, August 31, 2009

P1010023, originally uploaded by seaparents.
Yelapa (our first overnight)
We had an amazing first overnight by ourselves in Yelapa. We watched the dolphins and their young play in the bay, at sunset, while eating dinner on the boat. I know, this only happens in the movies or Troy and Brady's life:) It is hard for me to describe how majestic this experience was for us. And then reality hit us with a bilge filled with poop, that's right, Troy forgot to tell me that he disconnected our toilet. Thankfully this falls under Troy's job description, I am sure glad I am the cook. So, a couple hours later Troy crawls out from the bilge with a discusted look and a funky odor, but now we have new hoses under our sink and we are minus one nasty bathroom odor.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Boating with Papa
Hello All,
The dream lives on! We are in the midst of some crazy boat work. First, we decided to install solar panels and I am slowly learning that in Mexico, everything gets done tomorrow. We have been here for over three weeks now and a "two week install" is nearing its end. While in the middle of a sailing lesson (yes, me actually paying attention) the sail was very hard to raise. It turns out that the headboard car (the one that attaches to the top of the sail) had begun losing ball bearings. Thankfully, we were back at the dock when it actually seized up. Four days and a sore wallet later the part came UPS and we are back in business. We have been busy tracing hoses and wires, rebedding hatches, trying to find to find the solution to a small leak, and replacing smelly toilet hoses. My dad has been with us at the boat for a week now and we have only managed one day out on the water, but hopefully, we will be heading to the south of the bay to a place called Yelapa for a couple of overnights on the anchor (our first!). We plan on leaving no later than Tuesday since my dad will be returning with our car on Friday. I hope everyone is well and we will continue with the photos and blog updates when we are able.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sporting the Denver Station 6 Hamer Flag. THAT'S RIGHT. Thanks to all the boys back at home.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
The New Life
Since we have been here we have easily slipped into Mexican life. SLOW DOWN is the theme. We are learning that everything happens tomorrow, if you are a person who wants something done today you are out of luck. Thankfully we have nowhere that we have to be, so today we will sail. Speaking of sailing, we had a wonderful trip out into the bay yesterday. We were visited by a group of dolphins and I even got to see a sea turtle. I don't think one can see too many dolphins in life. They are so elegant and graceful in the water.
We did have one mishap, Ashley had to get stitches in her chin yesterday. She was jumping into a pool and hit the side with her chin. Not fun. I think she handled it like a champ, I did not do so well.
We have lots to learn and many exciting days ahead of us doing so. I am having a BLAST. -Brady