Monday, August 31, 2009


P1010028, originally uploaded by seaparents.

When we told everyone that we were going to buy a boat and sail around the world, everyone looked at us like we were CRAZY. I kept reassuring people that we weren't going to be just bobbing around to the middle of the ocean, that it was all about the destination. Now, that we are here I not so sure, it might be about bobbing around, because that is definitely one of my favorite parts. I love watching the endless sea and letting all the worries of life just disappear into the distance. So, if life is getting you all worked up, try sailing for awhile, it might help.


After hauling solar panels down on the overloaded car and not being able to live on the boat for 2 weeks while they installed the panels, we are now off the grid. The solar panels are working great. We are so green.
P1010023, originally uploaded by seaparents.

Yelapa (our first overnight)

P1010042, originally uploaded by seaparents.

We had an amazing first overnight by ourselves in Yelapa. We watched the dolphins and their young play in the bay, at sunset, while eating dinner on the boat. I know, this only happens in the movies or Troy and Brady's life:) It is hard for me to describe how majestic this experience was for us. And then reality hit us with a bilge filled with poop, that's right, Troy forgot to tell me that he disconnected our toilet. Thankfully this falls under Troy's job description, I am sure glad I am the cook. So, a couple hours later Troy crawls out from the bilge with a discusted look and a funky odor, but now we have new hoses under our sink and we are minus one nasty bathroom odor.